Why does the platform tell me “Your portfolio contains a significant number of items unknown to the system, functionality is limited”?
We don’t provide analysis or recommendations if there are a significant number of securities unknown to us, so that we avoid giving you misleading information. A good place to see why this is happening is the Details tab, where we show all the holdings you have connected or manually entered, and will be able to see which are Unknown. If you have uploaded your portfolio manually or connected an account, please make sure that everything was registered correctly here.
In an effort to make the system more flexible, we've added three features to help solve these problems. Here is a tutorial that goes through our customization features, including proxy securities (map unknown securities to known ones), custom securities (enter the details yourself), and security modification (change or fix assumptions of a security in your portfolio).
If you are still having issues, please reach out to us at support@portfoliopilot.com.